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REIKI: The Method of Healing Derives from an Ancient Japanese Form of Energy Healing That Has Been Used for Centuries

Oct 7, 2020

ADNA — Ten miles off Interstate 5 down Bunker Creek Road, past Adna High School, further beyond the bend of the Chehalis River is Reiki Ranch Energy Healing School. It’s not a typical ranch with farm animals or tractors. It’s a healing ranch, and one formed by husband and wife duo Taylore and Roi Vance.

The Vances teach and use Reiki, a form of energy healing where hands are placed either just off or lightly touching the body. It’s an alternative therapy for the treatment of physical, emotional and mental diseases and pain. Makao Usui, a Japanese spiritual healer, brought the Reiki method of healing to public awareness in 1922 after the method had been lost for centuries.

“It was thought for a long time that you had to be somehow special to be able to flow that energy,” said Roi, who is spry and sharp-minded even at 91 years old. “Well, we are. Everybody is special.”

Now the Vances are using the energy powers to heal others and teach them to heal as well.

They got their start in Reiki in the 1980s in Little Rock, Arkansas after a local bookstore they wandered into advertised that a guy from Atlanta was coming to teach Reiki and wondered if they would be interested. They had no idea what Reiki was at the time. Never even heard of it, and they thought, “why not?”

Well, it caught on quickly with them after they saw the truth in it, Taylore said, and also because it worked so well for them. So they began taking classes and studying the healing extensively. They took formal training in 1985 and again in 1990 to become Reiki Masters, finally starting Reiki Ranch in 1993.

The process involves pulling energy directly from the source of all life, whatever a person chooses to call that depending on what they believe, whether that is a high power, God or whatever. Taylore said people become like a pipe that flows water, bringing that source of unlimited energy.

“You use it to help others feel better,” Taylore said.

It’s all natural, as well, Roi said, referencing that the first thing a person does if they, say, scrape their knee is put their hand on it. Same goes for when a kid gets hurt and they run to their parent, who touches the wound and soon the kid feels better and runs off to play again.

“That’s because you innately know that energy flows from the center of your hands,” Roi said. “You don’t think about it because your mind doesn’t know it — but you do.”

Once a person becomes attuned to this energy flow, they can flow about 30 percent more of the energy than they normally do. The Vances compare the process to putting better software into a computer to make it run better. It’s something people have had in their lives all along, most just haven’t had any direction, they said.

Reiki Ranch offers several different levels of energy healing training, which tunes people so they flow more energy. It also offers healing treatments and removing ghosts and negative energy from homes, offices and buildings, including a class titled “Ghostbusting.”

Energy healing removes emotional and physical blockages, such as chronic pain, trauma, depression, etc., the Vances said. When the blockages are removed, the body can begin to heal itself. People can also learn to heal their own bodies when the negative energy is removed. Clients seem to heal quicker after a Reiki treatment, Taylore said. The Vances also offer remote healing over the phone.

The Vances offer Reiki level one certification for free, a $250 value. The only thing needed to buy is a $15 Reiki level one manual. The most recent class they held was on Sept. 12, which was a six-hour class in their studio classroom. Reiki Master training, including three manuals, runs for $299. They are not sure when their next class will be but they do plan on having a Reiki workshop, a six-month series, starting spring and summer 2021.

For more information, contact Reiki Ranch by telephone at 360-748-4426, by email at [email protected] or visit its website at

More Information on Reiki Ranch Energy Healing School 

Owners: Roi and Taylore Vance

Location: 1121 Bunker Creek Rd., Chehalis

Phone: 360-748-4426



As featured in The Daily Chronicle

Reiki Ranch Offers Alternative Energy Healing for Physical, Emotional Pain

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