We’ve come out of lockdown because of the COVID!

Smaller classes.  Or    Schedule a remote Reiki healing

You Are Invited to REIKI WORKSHOPS

Learn Reiki Level 1 with Reiki Master Taylore Vance and Roi

We are holding space for you and all of us to embark upon this journey into freedom! You are invited to shed the heavy baggage of the illusion of 3D life and take the first step toward the promised land of freedom!

Thank you for visiting the Reiki Ranch energy healing center… The next free class is on:

Free Reiki 1 Certification 6-hour class on Saturday

Next Class is on November 2, 2024

Master Weekend 2nd – 3rd of  November 2024

Powerful Free Course On Reiki | This Energy Is Now Within You?

These Reiki 1 classes are always filling up fast! Seats are limited!

Sign up Form for the classes! <- click here

Coming up in winter!

Reiki Master 2-Day weekend class will be on November 2-3, 2024. Next Free Reiki 1 will be on November 2, 2024.

Reserve your place! (Psssss only $299 to become a Certified Reiki Master) plus manuals.

Reiki Spiritual Awakening when you become Certified
Reiki Spiritual Awakening is possible when you become Certified

The Reiki Ranch is offering energy healing classes 

1) What Is the Free Reiki 1 class – an energy healing course?

We offer you the free Reiki training to make the world a better place to live and we are giving back to the abundant Universe! You are invited to take advantage of this gift! It is a 6 hour Reiki healing workshop where you are Certified and get CEUs. When you connect with Source energy and ask IT to flow through you to heal yourself and others — you are never the same again. You are uplifted and your hands will seem magical, your life is Spirit-guided for your highest good and it’s even more fun!

Call for Reservations 360-748-4426, Taylore or Roi will answer the phone {or send an email to reikiranch@ gmail.com}


Hands-on-healing Reiki Class Schedules – The Reiki Ranch Center for Reiki Training

Best Reiki teacher
Taylore Vance, Reiki Master of the Reiki Ranch
Reiki Ranch energy healing
Reiki Master Teacher – Roi helps connect you to Source energy at the highest level! Reiki Ranch

Reiki Master 2-day weekend Certification Training


Special is $299 to become a Reiki Master  (plus 3 Reiki manuals for $45 — total only $344)

Reiki Master Training – Reiki Energy

Reiki Master class Workshop – is to become a Reiki 3rd degree / Master. Heal yourself and others, and be able to teach classes yourself.  

Sign up Form for the classes! <- click here


3) Advanced Energy healing – the way the Masters heal with a touch! — New Classes Sign Up Now


a) Basic Laser Reiki 1-4  Week Retreat Date: Six-month course! You will receive 16 hours of energy healings each month — well worth 2X the price of the course.

This basic Laser Reiki is a series of 6 weekends over 6 months where you learn and practice a basic section of Laser Reiki Healing for 2 days each month.

b) Laser Reiki Weekend monthly series — is starting June 2021


c) Also, there is the Intense Retreat <<<  5 1/2 days for 2 weeks. 

 It is for 2 weeks of classes! (Scheduled only for small private International groups )


What is Laser Reiki?


Reiki Hands Hold Healing Energies
Reiki Hands Hold Healing Energies

Learn Instant Pain Release with Laser Reiki

  • Learn How to remove negative programming in any part of your body, mind, and spirit!
  • To release karma knots
  • To eliminate old wounds from weapons put into your body in a past life
  • To heal the root cause of your disease and clear the emotions stuck in your body – sometimes instantly!
  • Once these negative blockages and dark energy are released you immediately feel better and your body’s ability to heal itself is 100%!

Laser Reiki is at least 10 times quicker than other healing modalities.  See the Laser Reiki Website to learn more! ?

4) A journey of the Soul weekend Retreats  – where you become an energy healer!

5) A one-day Workshop to release hurt feelings causing anxiety, stress, and sadness!

We listen to you and we know many are searching for Free Reiki Certification or Free Reiki Training. We have it here! Of course, we all like free training and free things. Having free Reiki treatments at hospitals is an important step in making Reiki even more popular. Also having free Reiki training classes available like we do at the Reiki Ranch – There are many reports that Reiki in medical situations helps peace and harmony as well as the increased health. Reiki raises the frequency of the injury and therefore brings well-being and more rapid healing to the area in question.  The use of Reiki in hospitals and clinics is increasing each month.  Reiki is now being offered in hundreds of hospitals in the USA and most other countries.

The Reiki Ranch is just 10 minutes outside of Chehalis, Washington state, and is handy for those in Seattle wanting the Reiki training classes to Portland, Oregon for Free Reiki Certification and the cities between. We’re about one and a half-hour drive from either Portland and Seattle.

Reiki training manuals

The Reiki manual is listed below where you pick up the manual on the 1st day of class. Just click on the button below to purchase this must-have Reiki Training book!

— Buy Reiki Training Manuals 1 or buy all 3 — Reiki 1, Reiki 2, & Reiki Master –  from the Reiki Ranch

When you decide to take the FREE Reiki 1 Certification, you will be asked to donate $15.00 for the Reiki 1 Manual. 

Shipping is $8.90… or you can pick up your manual in class with no shipping added.

Your Reiki 1 Manual

Pick Up at Class

Receive by Mail

The Reiki 1 Usui certification is free, the 6 hours of Reiki 1 training is free, you bring a potluck lunch to share with the group of fellow students (20-35), a certificate in your name is free — but the Reiki I manual is $15.00.  (Others charge $250-350 for this first Reiki 1 Certification Class.)

Reiki Ranch manual
Reiki One Manual

Reiki Energy Healing Is worldwide – Reiki is both powerful and gentle because it is the Life Force Energy and these practitioners have aided in healing many illnesses! There are at least 350,000 Reiki Masters, and well over 2 million Reiki practitioners, worldwide. People are waking up to the fact that energy healing is necessary to raise the consciousness of our fellow man, and raise the frequency of the area of the pain, sickness before the body can heal itself!

— It is a fact that Reiki is in every country of the world. — People are waking up to the fact that energy healing is necessary to raise the frequency of the area of the pain, sickness before the body can heal itself!

Almost everyone either has had a Reiki session (energy healing) or he or she has heard of a friend or other acquaintance that is Reiki or had a Reiki treatment. As many are hearing about the use of Reiki, even more, are wanting to take Reiki training. It is a natural way to raise the frequency of your body where health and well-being are more easily achieved. When the frequency is raised they/you feel better, your energy is up and you are even more happy, healthy and even lucky.

Lots of Reiki students believe that Reiki comes from God and it should be free.

What do you think?  Reiki energy comes from God or as some call it — the Universe or Creator God. The training and cost of the Reiki Student/practitioner to learn the techniques, how to connect to Source and how to bring this God Force energy to you can be considerable. Does the Reiki practitioner need to be compensated for their time in giving you healings?

The value of Reiki as an alternative/complementary healing method is becoming more and more apparent to the general public.

How to pick yourself back up with Reiki?  <<Click here

What better way to start that than at a Free Reiki Certification training class? There is no pressure to continue the training, but many will take Reiki 2 and Reiki 3 to become a Reiki Master after spending a while at the Ranch.

Reiki is like a flower unfolding in your life!

Reiki in medical situations helps peace and harmony as well as increased health. Reiki raises the frequency of the injury and therefore brings well-being to the area in question.  The use of Reiki in hospitals and clinics is increasing each month.  Reiki is being offered in hundreds of hospitals in the USA and most other countries. Having free Reiki treatments at hospitals is an important step in making Reiki even more popular. Also having free Reiki training classes available like we do at the Reiki Ranch

The Reiki Ranch is just outside of Chehalis, Washington state, and is handy for those in Seattle wanting the Reiki training classes to Portland, Oregon for Free Reiki Certification and the cities between. We’re about one and a half hours from either Portland and Seattle.

Taylore Vance has been teaching all three levels of Reiki at the Reiki Ranch since 1994. The energy healing school has Reiki training books and teaching manuals.  We give these free Reiki classes 3 to 4 times a year. Roi (Herb) is her husband and also teaches with Taylore!

Many are choosing Laser Reiki as their next step!  It is a very fast energy medicine and you can easily learn the basics in a 6 month series of one weekend per month:  1-4 Laser Reiki workshop. Check out our new website: Laser Reiki.com that explains all the information on energy medicine at the highest level!

Reiki Class
This is a typical Reiki One Class! Reiki Ranch

Testimonial/comment from a student of the free Reiki 1 Certification:

“Hello, Reiki Ranch – beautiful people. Below is a testimony if you’d like to use it.

“For several years I knew about the Reiki Ranch course offerings but I believe life guided me there once the time was right and ready for Reiki. I am forever thankful for the individuals I’ve met at the course and blessed to be empowered with the energy, positive thoughts and power of Reiki.”  EK, M.A.
_ _ _ Reiki Healing Testimoniall_ _ _ _
     “Thank you so much for the first level certification.  Saturday was truly enjoyable.  One of the biggest gifts of the weekend that I received was the recognition that I still have work to do around the view I have of my worthiness of receiving, and seeing how that blocks Spirit from supporting me the way that it truly wants to manifest within me.  POWERFUL!  The Laser Reiki demo session where I felt resistance to the letting go of the back pain was such a blessing and opening.
    ” I was thrilled that my friend CM stayed on for the entire weekend!  She is such a beautiful spirit!  She told me that she was one of the 4 aliens in the room.  That makes 2 of my best friends now who are aliens!  My question to you is can you tell me if I am also an alien?  I wonder only because these two women have both said they were drawn powerfully to me when we first met.  Which makes me wonder, are aliens drawn to one another?  I thought that might explain why we were drawn to one another and why our friendships took off so fast and have continued to grow on such a deep level.  Both  friendships are  unlike any I have known before.
     “Thank you again (Reiki Ranch) for the wonderful experience.  Your work is truly blessed, and the light that you bring into the world is a gift to Spirit, and a gift to all the spiritual beings who are living a human experience!  Namaste, L B”
—————-Reiki Healing Testimonial——————–
Dear Taylore and Roi,
I attended the Reiki workshop last month and I can’t thank you enough for how much Reiki has changed my life!  I just left a comment in the “About” section on ReikiRanch.com telling more about my experience, but bottom line, my chronic back pain is pretty much gone!  And when pain does come up, all I have to do is put my hands where it hurts and it goes away so quickly!  This is so amazing for me after so many years of pain! And I have been helping everyone in my life with Reiki too.  If I see someone in pain, I Reiki them where it hurts and everyone who receives it is amazed at how good they feel and how quickly their pain goes away.  So, thank you so much for this experience at the Reiki Ranch.

I may have mentioned it at the workshop, but I am starting a new business in Washington where I’ll be booking massages and Reiki sessions inside of our new healing center. I’d like a fancy certificate to hang on the wall like you have at the ranch.  Thanks!  M

Sometimes there are classes where we invite the public to come for a free Reiki energy healing (donations accepted for the healers). Your healing could also be remote healing by phone. Recent testimonial received:

Kelli H  recommends a Facebook page:  Reiki Ranch Energy Healing School

June 1 at 1:25 PM

Taylore and her students literally healed my body within minutes using remote healing with Laser Reiki!

I was stunned to see how fast they worked, what they picked up and the accuracy of it all. I’m certified in Karuna Ki Reiki and I’m a Holy Fire Reiki Master/Teacher too, but what they just did blew me away! I feel like a new woman! And I’m on board with kicking sugar and moving my body more. Thank you all! I’m eternally grateful! ????

Description: We are located in Chehalis, WA, we also teach commanding wealth, Reiki near you, Roi and Taylore are the founders of cosmic energetic healing,  energy blockages need to be released, energy flow will increase, Energy Healing always works with all disease, We provide an energy healing school, Our offer is Free Reiki FREE, Reiki I, we all are able to be a healer, instant pain release is possible with laser reiki, Laser Reiki 1-4 is a 12 day workshop, Laser Reiki 6 is higher energy medicine, miracles happen when you raise the energy level, muscle testing is a great way to talk to your higher-self and get answers about healing your body, quantum leaps are possible, Reiki is taught all over the world, Reiki 1 is free here, Reiki 2 promotes long distant healing or remote energy clearings, Reiki 3 is the highest level of Reiki where you become a Usui Reiki Master in a reiki class, Reiki classes lift you up, Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III lead to being a reiki master, Reiki is in Lewis county – WA, We serve Olympia with Reiki, Our student from Portland come for reiki, reiki ranch is unique, Reiki is also in Seattle- students come down from Seattle, Reiki Students come here for reiki training, We give a Reiki Treatment, you take a reiki workshop, the root cause of the sickness can be removed, the subconscious mind knows where the emotional problems are stored, Taylore Vance is a Reiki Master and trainer, the one command is a little like theta healing, traditional Usui Reiki is taught in Washington, Reiki classes found in Washington, More wealth is possible with Reiki, reiki workshop are held here in NW Washington State, Seattle Reiki, Tacoma Reiki, Puyallup Reiki, Olympia Reiki, Federal Way Reiki, Lacey Reiki,  Zero Point healing is high energy, we all want to be Unified with Source, Activation of the Divine Infant cells will cause healing and start the process to growing your body younger!

  • —————-Reiki Healing Testimonial——————–

Testimonial: Hands on Reiki – Healing touch has changed my life and now I’m very humbled to have learned to help others get more in touch with their own healing abilities. Learning Reiki is awesome!

Thank you so much, Taylore Vance and Roi at Reiki Ranch for hosting such a sweet initiation this weekend.

I’m feeling blessed!  I’m giving Reiki healing to Friends and family for love & support A recent student!

2013 – Hello Fellow Reiki Ranch Tribesmen,

I just wanted to say it was a true pleasure meeting each of you and getting to spend a few days in the tribe. The whole experience was phenomenal – I’m so glad I made the commitment to come.
And Taylore and Roi, thanks so much for sharing so generously with all your knowledge and for use of the ranch.
You have a very special place at the Reiki Ranch.

23 thoughts on “Free Reiki 1 Certification – Is On Going Training Hands On Energy Healing

  1. Register by calling Taylore or Roi at 360-748-4426

    Send Email: to resister do it by emailing us at [email protected] and telling us your name. address, phone and your guests name, etc.
    We will send you a Word document with Instructions…

    Bring a friend!

    Share the FREE Reiki info with others!
    You are making the world a better place!

    Thank you!

  2. Do you still do healings on Sundays? If so, when?

    ANSWER: YOLANDA ELDORA is in charge of the energy healings in Bremerton, WA. Her phone – cell -1-406-396-3663. Call her for the schedule and remote healings.

  3. I would like to order jim humble’s latest book. do you have a coy?
    please hold on to it. I need to purchase a calling card so I can call you with the info. I should be able to call you either later today or tomorrow.
    Erika babler
    7145 cavalier loop
    Olympia, wa 98512
    thanks erika

    ANSWER: Jim Humble has a limited printing of his publication and I have not been able to get any more copies of his books.

  4. I have cancer and have been unable to walk for the last 7 months. Can you do a long-distance healing so I can walk again. I am currently at Alhambra convalescent hospital in Martinez,CA

    Thank you, Joshua
    ANSWER: I noticed from your email that you are super-foods-for-life and I wonder if you are doing that? — Diet, positive thoughts, fasting, taking the 90 for Life nutritional bio-available minerals and vitamins from Youngevity, plus energy healing has brought many back to health and wellbeing! Yes, w can do a long distance healing. Let us know.

  5. I would like as reiki healing wondering how much it cost. Thank you many blessings to you.

    ANSWER: Many of our students are doing Reiki Healings for free. Roi and I do the Laser Reiki healings for only $100. Check out http://www.laserreiki.com to learn more about this high-level energy healing technique and cosmic energy healings for the past, present and future lives.

    ANSWER 2 – Some of my students are able to give Reiki Energy healing treatments for $40 a session.

  6. Thank you for being such a great inspiration and teacher
    Thank you for sharing your gifts and your light with the world

  7. You inspire others to share their gifts. We all have hidden talents
    that just need a little reminding and teaching to go in the right
    direction, you and Roi are those teachers.

  8. Hi, my name is Christine Triplett and I’ve been attuned to 1st, 2nd and Laser Reiki. I live in the Mima Mounds by Littlerock, Wa. The energy lately as been wonderful. I run the Laser through my eyes. Our you both Starseeds? I would love to meet both of you one day. Have a great weekend.???

  9. We are happy to announce that The Reiki Ranch has been selected as the Winner for the 2022 Best of Chehalis Awards in the category of Other Business Services. The Chehalis Award Program purpose to support and offer public recognition of the contributions of businesses and organizations in and around Chehalis.


    Chehalis Award Program

  10. Hi Roi , I’m Donna Berry , already a Reiki Master. However I have been pretty I’ll for two years now. I would like to come get a healing from you two. I’m retired so could be any day of the week. I live in Hoodsport and can drive down. I have very high blood pressure, nausea, no energy,lack motivation to help myself! I should have contacted you a year ago. If Laser Reiki would help I’m in and can pay your fees. Thanks. Donna Berry [email protected]

  11. Hi Roi and Taylor!
    We met years ago 2011 or 12 on a Norwegian cruise liner on a fabulous GIN cruise! you too invited me to sit down and eat with you one day at one of the restaurants and I was delighted to get to know you!
    I’d like to reconnect with you on Facebook but I’m having trouble finding you. Facebook blocked access to all my pages, even though I am not controversial. if you wouldn’t mind, please send me a link or something so I can find you on Facebook again. And please resume sending emails. I miss them.
    Much love,

  12. I did buy and receive your product in March.
    I was pleased with the product
    And am most happy with the transaction
    I authorize payment so sorry for the inconvenience
    Maralyn Tuckness

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