We are organizing an online Learn to Film and Promote Expo for all our friends, Laser Reiki Students, Healers, Authors, and curious minds, young and old.

Sharing the knowledge, we gain from likeminded people, we can and will produce various expos and online training events to help each other.

We will be exploring how to do online videos, YouTube, Etsy, Amazon, advertising, sources for exploring additional revenues for funds.

If you have a modality or something to share, we welcome those who are willing to expand their consciousness and help others. We will have available an eBook on creating an online course for everyone.

We will be sharing various means to videotape your creations and share your talents. So, bring yourself and a friend to a weekend of healing the minds and hearts together. Open forum and introduction of various healing modalities. Bring something to share, or just your creative mind.


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Energy Healers exploring how to do online videos

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