Traditional Reiki techniques have been known to correct the imbalances in the body that cause aches and pains, ulcers, chemical imbalances, skin problems, back pain, high or low blood pressure, poor eye sight, asthma, allergies, heart problems, cancer, AIDS and many others.

Laser Reiki and Cosmic Energetic Healing has been shown to be even more effective on all of these above conditions and on a wide arena of less physical based dis-eases such as mood swings, emotional crises, anger, mental illness, depression, tension, anxiety, trauma, feelings of not being good enough, feelings of being unworthy, sexual dysfunctions, sexual abuse, jealousy, self esteem issues, phobias, dogmas, being stuck, grief, loss, betrayal, self sabotage, and fear of success/failure resulting in financial problems. Even having a lack of money or a poverty consciousness are conditions, which can be healed. LR and CEH heal Ancient curses, hexes, and entity or demon possession.

Most people don’t realize that personal poverty is just as much a dis-ease as the brand name diseases and can be healed just as effectively. In our society it is the basic dis-ease. By healing personal poverty and the feelings brought on by a lack of adequate funds any of the brand name diseases are much easier to work with. It is necessary to heal the feelings of unworthiness, not deserving, not feeling good enough, etc.

Want more success? Check out their manual on the net — HOW TO ATTRACT WEALTH:

Taylore and Roi recently published a do-it-yourself manual giving you several simple actions you can take to increase your affluence and erase your personal poverty consciousness. Those who’ve made these simple changes have as much as tripled their income without working any harder or becoming better educated, etc., etc. The title is “How to Attract Wealth” Subtitle “Ordinary people bridge the gap between broke and prosperity.”

Taylore Vance, author of this article, is a Reiki Master and is the Co-Founder of Cosmic Energetic Healing. Laser Reiki Classes are offered at the Reiki Ranch in Chehalis, Washington. We offer three day Retreats for Traditional Reiki, and four day Reiki Retreats for Traditional Reiki and our specialty, Laser Reiki.

An Easier Way to Healing Personal Poverty?

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