We are able to offer FREE Reiki Classes for the Reiki 1 Certification. It is a full 6 hours of learning Reiki and hand-on practice of giving Reiki treatments. (6 hrs of CEU’s)

Free Reiki I:    – Saturday — 6 hour class

 (sign in/registration starts at 8 AM)

Reiki Manual – Book $15 —

Letter of Reiki 1 –Certification Letter is free Healing Work shop at the Reiki Ranch Energy Healing School. Sat. Registration at 8:00 AM, Class at 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Become a Reiki Master for only $299! Taylore and Roi have been training Reiki Masters since 1994.  16 hours of CEU’s available. Reiki 1-2-3 training in the Reiki Master Weekends:

•  It is only $299 become a Reiki 1, 2, 3 – Reiki Master in one weekend HPIM8687.JPG

  Roi_IMG_0247.JPG Reiki_Fairy_Rings_Taylore.JPG

Laser Reiki • Advanced Reiki Energy Training • Cosmic energy healing classes • Inst ant Pain Release Four-Day Laser Reiki Levels 1-4 Work shop

LR 1-4 workshops: •  5-Days of learning and energy clearings or 4 weekends is an alternative format.

  • You become a lot clearer in your energy field.
  • You feel the difference and your life changes!

Laser Reiki 5,  Laser Reiki Level 6 —   will teach you ghost busting, Sending Reiki from the eyes, healing the cords, removing entities and demons, etc. You will also learn how to help dead people cross over into heaven. Send an email to reikiranch (at) gmail.com or call 360-748-4426

Reiki Ranch Students practice energy healing
Reiki Ranch Students practice energy healing
Energy Healing Classes at the Reiki Ranch – photos

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3 thoughts on “Energy Healing Classes at the Reiki Ranch – photos

  1. Hi there,
    I am interested in the summer energy healing classes. When do you think the new schedule will be out?

    ANSWER: FREE Reiki 1 – Dates:- no charge. See new dates: http://www.reikiranch.com

    Reiki Master — all 3 levels are offered

    It is only $299 become a Reiki 1, 2, 3 – Reiki Master in one weekend

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