“The One Command” — a one day Class– (or buy the Ebook)
The One Command is Presented by
Taylore and Roi of the

Reiki Ranch

Date: to be set

Hour: 10:00 am –5:00 pm —

Location: We can come to your location   ? Call for pricing for your group!

Taught by Taylore and Roi of the Reiki Ranch energy healing center, 1673 S. Martket Blvd. #143, Chehalis, WA 98532

Tel. 360-748-4426 for Reservations

One Day Seminar – The One Command®

The Foundation Course for Commanding Wealth 1-Day
One-day course — 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
The One Command® one-day event unlocks a power within you so great – activating unused portions of your mind you are propelled into your innate ability to create the life you have always desired.
You benefit from attendance no matter what your current financial, health, or relationship situation.

Once you are consciously operating in the masterful state of theta and you issue The One Command®, you stop your old way of thinking in a moment and bring into your essential hard wired subconscious a new understanding of health, wealth, money, and a rich life with people going your way.

This is a physical event in your brain and an extraordinary event in expanding your capacity for a new life. The results are magnificent. Asara often says, “You are already masters of your life – usually masters of lack and limitation. In the process of The One Command® you become masters of a rich life that is within the blueprint of your DNA, ready for you to discover.”
Throughout the day you learn:

Six-steps to the theta state

  • The One Command® that stops limitation, and attracts your health and wealth
  • To operate in theta and reach that greater capacity within you
  • To instantly create and change any life situation
  • Program your DNA for Wealth and Health
  • Remove the beliefs that keep you in strife, and struggle
  • To be rich, healthy and at peace with yourself and the world
  • To create and realize all your dreams, daily

Amazing Stories: Participants are reporting unexpected cash and checks arriving in the mail when they attend – and even before – when they simply make the commitment to attend.

***One graduate had a signed lease for her property within fifteen minutes after stating The One Command®.

***Another graduate opened a business with 0 cash, and earned over 350,000 dollars within the first five months. One investor doubled, doubled, and redoubled his investments, and is getting ready to relocate, and retire.

From every walk of life participants are benefiting…

“Many can argue that reality is as it is, but it is my experience
that the opposite is true. Reality is ours for the making.” Asara Lovejoy

The One Command – Book is $17.95 (Buy the hard copy book from the reikiranch.com)

Special Book and CD – price $25. Shipping $5.90 priority mail –total $30.90

The Workshop is Presented by Taylore and Roi,

The Assembly of CEH,  1673 S. Market Blvd. #143, Chehalis,WA 98532



Buy the Ebook for instant download from this website — Commanding wealth EbooK

The One Command – Taught in Seattle|Portland — a one day workshop

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