We’d like to invite you to come to the Reiki Ranch, take a course and also bring friends. Bring friends to the free Reiki I training. We will have a delicious potluck lunch fit for queen and kings.

Please make it possible for you to invite your friends and family to these course? Reiki Makes the World a Brighter place. And you are doing your part, too, to brighten up the darkness.

Every time a person takes Reiki — it makes the world a little bit happier! Reiki connects you to flow even more of Source energy; you are learning to access the God within.

That is why our Reiki training is so inexpensive — we want to help as many others and Mother Earth make the transition into the 4th dimension and higher.

In order to raise your frequency to move into the higher dimensions you need a better connection to Source Energy. Reiki is such a vehicle! Reiki helps you bridge the gap and become a higher dimensional being and easily beam light and love to others.

This is working good — we are happy to report!!!

So please share our links with others! (copy it and paste it into emails)

Taylore and Roi

Reiki Makes the World a Brighter place

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