
Aren’t these the cutest little baby chicks?  Animals need Reiki!

Our student practice Pet Reiki and give reiki treatments to dogs, cats, chickens, birds, horses and even wild birds. Giving Reiki to the world and Mother Earth is the same as beaming Source energy to all. Cosmic Energy treatments are always welcomed.

Reiki Ranch has Naked Neck Chickens

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3 thoughts on “Reiki Ranch has Naked Neck Chickens

  1. How are your Turkens turning out? I have two naked necks in my flock, and they are the greatest characters in the group. Recently, they stopped laying after a bear got into the coop and helped himself to three of the sisters… is there something I can do to “heal” them of this traumatic experience?

  2. Hi Nathan,
    I’m honored to have you visit the Reiki Ranch. My 25 Turkens are 3 1/2 months old and I love every one of them. I need to cut the flock down to about 1 dozen. Do you need some? These are purebred naked necks from the McMurry farms in Iowa.

    Sorry about the bear eating some of your chickens. I think they have trauma — they will get over it. Spend some time with them. Get some slices of bread and hand feed them little pieces from your hand. I’ll send them some healing energy to let them know they are now safe again. How’s that electric fence working? Good, I hope! I had to quit bee farming because of the bears.


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