Reiki Weekend
By Reservation Only

The response for the Reiki Weekend at the Reiki Ranch has been so overwhelming, that you will need to RSVP to reserve your seat as we are limited in the number of seats that are available.

For the Free Reiki 1 class

You can reserve your seat by paying for your Reiki 1 manual ($15) upfront. Seats will only be available until that particular class is full, then you will be invited to select an alternate class date, and those seats are also limited.

Unfortunately, if you arrive for a sold-out Free Reiki 1 class, and you have not pre-registered and received your confirmation, you will not be able to attend.

For the Reiki Master 2-day training and certification:

You will need to pay the class fee ($299) and for the 3 manuals ($15 each, Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III) for a total of $344.

Pick the class you want from the following dates available:

Please pre-register to secure your spot in Reiki classes.

Free Reiki 1 Certification

(1-day, bring a pot lunch to share. 6 hr. class.)

July 20, 2024

Saturday at 8:45 AM – 4 PM
Class fee: Free
1 Workbook: $15

~ ~ ~

Reiki Master Weekend (2-day weekend)

July 20-21, 2024

Saturday at 8:45 AM to Sunday at 6 PM
Class fee: $299
3 Workbooks: $45


Alternatively, you can pre-register by phone: (360) 748-4426 — with a credit card. You will receive directions and your reservation will be secured for the date of the event you’ve registered for following your submission. Seats are first-come, first-served as they are available.

Reiki 1 Class
this is a typical class for Reiki one
Reiki 1 Class
Reiki Ranch House
Beautiful flowers at the Reiki Ranch
Reiki masters teach the Reiki classes
Reiki master Roi and Reiki master Taylore
Roi and Taylore, Reiki Masters since 1992
Reiki Ranch...
Reiki Ranch house
Enjoy the freedom to be yourself
Reiki Ranch flowers along the driveway
Reiki Ranch flowers along the driveway
Reiki Ranch 1 class
This is a typical class for the free Reiki one
Reiki 1 Free class October 14th






Pretty flowers at the reiki ranch
Pretty flowers at the reiki ranch
Journey into Dimensions where you are an integral part of God…
Energy healing at its finest where you connect with higher Source energy and the lower, stuck energy drops away.
Reiki energy healing is easily learned, and it grows with you and you have never-ending chances to perfect your body, mind, and spirit
As you become the moving force in your own life from your association with this Awesome Flow of God energy; you start leaving the worry, fear, and doubt behind.
You will learn that all the power to define your existence is already within you.
There is really nothing outside of you that you are seeking. It is all inside of you!
Connect with it in a loving appreciative way and This Presence shows you how to really be Happy!