Reiki Ranch and Eiffel Health invite you to
Dr. Peter Glidden’s Attempt A Cure Tour
Can you spare a Saturday morning to turn your life around?
We (Taylore and Roi) are living a life of high energy, inner happiness and are completely pain-free in our older years. We take no prescription drugs or medication.
Taylore says, “My husband and I have outlived most of our friends and we want to share a message with you and your elders in your family because we’ve found a method to turn back the clock in your body, to stop the pain and to start to growing younger again.
Taylore and Roi cut their own wood and they cut enough to fill the pickup truck 28 times. It is their summer exercise to keep in shape and to keep warm in the winter.
Do you want to be in such good shape? Please come to this 1/2 day training at the Reiki Ranch training school — which is near Chehalis, Washington – about 10 miles west of I-5 past Adna, WA.
You are also invited to bring a friend and a healthy dish for a potluck lunch.
You have important questions you want to ask about your health and how you can have the energy and freedom you used to have when you were younger. The cost of attending this healthy-life changing seminar is only $15. My phone number is 360 – 748 – 4426.
Sorry, you missed the seminar, but you can view the private video below!
It may be kind of hard to believe that you can get rid of incurable diseases without side effects and at a very reasonable cost. Here’s your chance to have your questions answered by an experienced practitioner this coming Saturday morning.
Saturday, July 28
10:00 AM Sharp for lecture and Q&A session by Dr. Glidden
Location at the Reiki Ranch – just 15 minutes outside of Chehalis, WA.
Pay the recording fee online or just call us: Taylore and Roi 360-748-4426.
Dr. Peter Glidden’s Seminar at the Reiki Ranch 
We made a private recording of the presentation!
Youtube Recording from Saturday, July 28, 2018 –
Please Pay only $7 via to receive a private link to view the 1-hour presentation From Dr. Glidden — email us!
Dr. Glidden’s Lecture topics:
1. Clinically Verified Wholistic Solutions to common health problems
2. Plus – Who Made the MD’s King??
Noon Pot Luck Lunch with Dr. Glidden
Bring a dish that is Good Food / Bad Food compliant
- foods you can eat with ease and grow healthier
- foods you cannot eat because they poison your body Read more at:
Distributors must register $15, Guests are limited to 2 and must be registered. Seating is very limited, first come first served basis. This event is for
This is a private Seminar – Invitation only by the Reiki Ranch Tel. 360-748-4426, and Brenda J. Gousset, Eiffel Health, (Plant-derived Minerals.) Tel. 888 618 1796 x 101. Anyone who is a Reiki Ranch student or friend is invited.
Dr. Peter Glidden BS, ND short bio:
Bastyr Graduate 1991
Radio Show Host
The main expert on the five-time Emmy Award-winning Documentary The Big Secret
TV and Radio guest
Dr. G has recorded a video so the folks can have a little introduction of him and what to expect.
If you are not already, you may want to join Dr. G’s subscription service at the level that you can get a commission. He will explain to the group that he answers health questions weekly and if they just get a link from you to join it – you will get paid. If 4 people join at your level your subscription will be free.