Wayne Rowland has caused quite a stir, and we have been getting a lot of calls regarding Wayne Rowland’s 10 case silver water challenge. Wayne Rowland has been offering his own personal 10-case 100% guarantee for the elimination of diabetes for 20 years. In the last four years, he has added many other incurable diseases to his offer.

People have queried about what the details of his offer are. The following are the details of his offer.

For those who have thought that consuming 10 cases of Wayne’s was all you had to do, not so. Wayne says, “10 cases of my Silver Water and follow my program.” The program includes parasite cleanse and deworming among other things over a period of three months, as well as regular consumption of all products, including the 10 cases of Silver Water until it’s all gone.

His guarantee includes the reimbursement of all monies spent on all the products required to do so if the user still had diabetes (or any one of a number of other specific incurable diseases), even though he does not manufacture or receive compensation from the products outlined in his Disease Symptom Elimination Program other than the Silver Water.

So, what are the specific ingredients in Wayne Rowland’s Disease Elimination Challenge?

First of all, you will need at least 2 ounces of Lugol’s Iodine 6.6% to cover the first three months. You will be taking three drops in a glass of water first thing in the morning every day of the challenge. You may choose to continue to use the iodine daily following the challenge based on your results. Do not take iodine if you are allergic to shellfish.

You will also need a water purification drops kit. This is a two-part kit (Part 1 and Part 2) that when combined on a drop-for-drop-basis per the instructions makes chlorine dioxide. You will be using three drops of each (Part 1 and Part 2) every hour for 8 to 10 hours each day over the three-month period.

The following items are to be consumed regularly every day over the course of each month. This is a one-month supply:

  • Bio-Dyna-Zyme
  • Ultrabiotic Plus
  • Ultrazyme Plus
  • Silver Water Stabilized Greens
  • Purple Dulse Seaweed 1 lb.
  • Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO 16 oz.
  • Horse dewormer in the plunger tube
  • 3 quarts of Silver Water

The above is consumed each month, plus the 10 cases are to be used as a healthy drinking water replacement and should be taken purely, i.e., not added to other substances to make flavored drinks, coffee, tea, etc. Do not drink tap water for the three-month period.

Once the three months are complete, keep taking any remaining products until they are all gone.

Try to eat a healthy diet free from heavily processed or parasite-laden food. Though this is not a requirement, your results will be exponentially greater if you are able to make this adjustment.

Keep your receipts. After you have completed this program, if you still have diabetes or your specific incurable disease, Wayne Rowland will pay you for your expenditures for all the products listed and used throughout the process out of his own pocket, even though he does not sell the products.

This is how convinced he is that his Disease Symptom Elimination Program will work for you based on over a hundred thousand results. In 20 years of offering his 10-case challenge and guarantee, not one reimbursement has been requested.

Wayne and Roi are currently conducting seminars at the Reiki Ranch for combatting Diabetes and Lyme Disease and educating others about the connection between parasites and disease. Contact us for more information and upcoming events (360) 748-4426.


What About Wayne Rowland’s 10 Case Silver Water Challenge?

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2 thoughts on “What About Wayne Rowland’s 10 Case Silver Water Challenge?

  1. The list of ingredients is nice, but can you provide more information on how to go about taking them, please?

    1. Due to our agreement with Wayne Rowland, we are unable to provide you with more information at this time. The only way to get additional information is to attend an event where he is speaking. Currently Wayne and Roi are conducting events, here at the Reiki Ranch. Call (360) 748-4426 for more information.

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