Why an energy healing? Will this unblock me?

(Troy had a very profound spiritual experience – below)
Who’s Looking For An Energy Healing?
If you’re looking for an energy healing, you’re one of the lucky ones. (Most don’t know this even exists.)
- Most people are looking for something but they don’t know what it is they’re looking for.
- They know that something’s not right; they may be blocked or missing something.
- What are you missing?
- Where are you blocked?
- How do you know how much you don’t yet know?
Everything is consciousness and energy. There is nothing else. We are human beings trying to make sense out of the physical world. In school we are not taught spiritual lessons. We are taught how to memorize tons of information that we may never use. Look at the word “human”. Split that word up and you have Hu and man. You probably do not know that the word HU is an ancient spiritual name for God. So we all are humans – we are God men and God women! So a good question might be: what is the God man and/or God woman doing in school memorizing all that stuff, when all we have to do is Google it!
You may be feeling blocked?
Have you ever felt mentally blocked but you didn’t know what was wrong; you did not know how to feel good again? So you try to go about your every day life like usual, but things are just not flowing. At some level you realize that you are blocked. Projects get started, but you get distracted and misdirected then nothing gets done.
How to feel again

How to feel anything. How to feel good again. Have you ever felt on point? Do you feel you are going the right way for you? Can you feel life flowing about you? Can you feel energy flowing through you? Do you feel excited about your life? Do you have something to share with the world? What is your big Wow? Feelings help bring you the dreams you desire – especially when you are thankful in advance of receiving them.
We are spiritual beings
By taking a Reiki course and doing some physical, mental, emotional and/ or spiritual housecleaning, getting rid of old stuffed energy and negative energy blockages and you’ll begin to feel some space and freedom in your life – maybe for the first time.
- Do you know that you are a spiritual being?
- Some people think they are only a human, a person, a personality, their body, their mind, or their thoughts. Instead of a person, you are a spirit. “You” were never born and “you” never die.
- Only the bodies you wear die. You slip out and are still alive.
- You are a spirit having a human experience.
- That’s why this life is so frustrating at times. No one tells us the truth.
- Taking the Reiki course gets you a better connection to source energy.
- Using that energy and the energy healing techniques you learn in class you will be able to free yourself from those energy blockages and feel good again.
An energy healing testimonial;
Tony’s mother came home from a Reiki Master training weekend and gave her son an energy healing treatment for shoulder pain from an injury that he has experienced in wrestling class in high school.
After the 30 minutes of Reiki treatment, Tony could raise his sore arm all the way over his head!
Reiki is an energy healing modality that works to release pain and tension.
Does energy healing really work? Another Testimonial:
One of the students from a recent Reiki One – Two – Three – classes sharing his involvement where he had a very profound spiritual experience. Troy at 16 years old became a Reiki Master. Troy’s Reiki Testimonial.
Hi, I’m Troy. I was really wanting to find some form of Energy Healing because I’ve been wanting to become more spiritually evolved as a person; to better myself and better the world.
I come from a small town in Washington, and with the experience from living there to a very profound spiritual experience from the Reiki that I had was from the very first class at the Reiki Ranch. Right after being attuned or opened up as a vessel more, I could instantly feel the energy already going through me. I could already feel the difference of just the very first class. Not the second class or third class, those were me opening up even more and getting more in tune, but there’s a big difference between not knowing what it feels like, compared to knowing what it is, knowing how to control it, and applying it to heal people.
Reiki Class testimonial: Jennifer Pearson Edinger Says: “Yes, it was a great Reiki 1 Certification class!
And free for all 26 of us students today!
Thank you so much!!
I can’t wait to start your products and minerals. I will work on getting my friend here one of these days because I think she needs the Reiki Energy Healing.
You have literally changed my life and I can’t thank you enough.
I will definitely be back I know I’ll have at least 1 or 2 friends there. It will be impossible to notice the change in me, and I can’t wait to share!!
Norma Menzies Testimonial
I returned to visit: Spent yesterday at Reiki Ranch in Chehalis, Washington bringing new people for a fee Reiki 1 Certification class. A great energetic time playing with other Reiki masters and Reiki one students. Love the vibes at the Ranch and Taylore Vance and Roi are high energy souls sharing their wisdom and joy with so many.
A big thumbs up for the Ranch!!