Sorry: Classes are no longer offered at the Reiki Ranch.
FREE Reiki 1- Reiki I Certification Classes / NW Reiki Treatments <- Click for schedule!
This a full energy healing training class in NW.

***We are pleased to be able to continue to give you the
FREE Reiki 1- Reiki I Certification Classes –(Reiki I manual is only $15 you can pick one up at the Reiki Ranch) this is your donation to the free class!
This a NW energy medicine training class.
FREE Reiki Certification Classes: These Energy Healing workshops at the Reiki Ranch Energy Healing School, Chehalis, WA, on Saturday Registration starts at 8:00 AM,
Reiki 1 Class starts at 9:00 AM – ends at 4:00 PM
Reiki 1 is free – Click for Dates:
FREE Reiki 1 Usui Certification at no charge
2 day weekend for Reiki Master only $299 Special (Click for Dates)
become a Reiki master….take Reiki 1, 2, 3
Reiki Master weekend for the special price of $299 –
plus the three manuals. It is being held on Sat & Sun
Hours: 6 hours of FREE Reiki 1 is Sat – 9 AM – 4 PM
Reiki 2 starts after 4 PM on Sat. and will be finished on Sunday morning
— depending on the size of the class.
Starts Sunday 9 AM to finish Reiki 2 and do Reiki 3 — Reiki Master until 6 PM (Maybe at 5:30)
Hours on Sunday 9:00 AM 0- 6:00 PM
(You might consider taking the two days of Reiki training to become a Reiki Master! Then you can teach Reiki and flow this awesome energy at full level.)
This class Reiki I – is held at The Reiki Ranch Energy healing School – near Chehalis, WA.
You will Learn how to heal yourself and others with Reiki 1. You will be aligned up with the God-Force energy and it does the healing Itself. You use zero of your own energy. It is very magical.
The first class is free! Reiki 1 Certification (Valued at $250–) and it is free for you and a friend!
Chehalis, WA, is about halfway between Portland and Seattle. We are out in the country where there are hiking trails, a small year around stream near the house and beautiful landscaped gardens. Bring family members, friends and carpool here.
The Reiki manuals are required reading and cost only $15.00 for each class. ($45 total for Reiki Master – for all 3 manuals)
Reiki Class Preparation – This is a full day class, don’t forget to eat breakfast. Your spirit guides, i.e., Reiki Masters will start working with you as soon as you make a commitment to attend.
Questions for you to think about: Why are you taking this class? What are your expectations?
While Reiki II is hands-on and also long distance – You will find that Reiki 1 is hands-on-practice that takes place during the class, it is expected that you will set aside additional time to practice after the class is over.
- Please commit to this additional time which should be one evening a week for several weeks, or its equivalent, to practice Reiki with one, or more, people from your Reiki class or with members of your family or friends.
- This additional practice is necessary to gain the experience and confidence you need to fully utilize the Reiki Certification training. You will be certified as an energy healer after this 6-hour hands-on-workshop! Hurray!
Reiki Master training – at The Reiki Ranch Energy healing School; Learn how to heal yourself and others with Reiki 3 — Reiki Master. Bring a friend if you can. Help share the bliss!
Your spirit guides, i.e. Reiki Masters will start working with you as soon as you make a commitment to attend. The Usui Master symbol will increase the effectiveness of all of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing.
You can also teach other when you become a Reiki Master.
Experience a Reiki meditation that strengthens the mind and expands consciousness.
Laser Reiki • Advanced Reiki Energy Training •
and Cosmic energy healing classes •
Instant Pain Release | Regrow Organs
Laser Reiki Workshop 1-4 (now 12 days of classes)
Laser Reiki Levels 1-4 Workshop — –
Dates: to be announced
Learn how to find and release the root cause of emotional blockages in this lifetime, past lives, parallel lives, etc..
- Feel good again.
- Have more JOY! (Negative energy blockages will be cleared.)
- Manifest better health,
- Be happier and
- Even have more wealth when you clear the blockages.
Laser Reiki Level 1-4 is a 6 month series of weekend workshops that teach you about energy healing beyond traditional Reiki and any other energy healing modality.
Yellow Finch – Taylore & Roi photo- looking out the Reiki Ranch kitchen window in the spring.

Laser Reiki Level 5 — 2.5-day class — we teach you to clear implants, negative patterns in the Dendrites Are a branched part of a nerve cell that transmits impulses toward a cell body. They connect webs of energy in the body. They may hold patterns of fear. We release fear and clear the patterns from the Dendrites. Clear the Dendrite problems in many areas.
- Dogmas can be deleted from other lifetimes that may be bleeding over into this life causing problems.
- Beliefs that are not for your highest good are eliminated.
- Bad Feelings/dark Emotions can be easily found and released.
- Do you or a client have bad Behavior patterns? These can be reprogramed.
- Release Habitual Behavior that you cannot seem to move past.
- Let go of Word Patterns that cause the law of Attraction to bring you more problems¨Root Causes of negative energies are deep within a person’s makeup. ¨Your Soul is working on issues that may be hidden, invisible, or camouflaged that might be the root cause of low energy and sickness”.¨Low energy sport on your physical body — Presenting themselves as challenges, struggle, effects, or other symptoms. These can be released with a number using the Laser Reiki techniques!¨Find out how many times in other lifetimes did you bottle up emotions instead of letting them go? These stuck emotions need to be cleared and let go of! Can root cause of pain be eliminated, deleted, transformed, and/or transmuted?¨What would you (or your client) like to manifest in your life instead of pain and disease?¨We teach you how to Recheck to make sure original root cause of disease, and all it’s supporting causes, tendrils, and residue are cleared, and a new powerful higher information is installed – then activated thru out all past – present – future lives!
¨Use your chart #13 from LR 1-4 class as required
Laser Reiki 6 — 3-day class! Learn how to send Reiki from the eyes, do ghost busting, removal of demons, removal of strings/ cords, and bring positive traits over from other lifetimes …and even more! If you put up posters, write articles, work at the ranch and/or bring students for the Reiki Ranch then you can attend these advanced Laser Reiki classes for a discounted. Full Laser Reiki information here
Join the Newsletter link, Tel. 360-748-4426, call Taylore and Roi or email us at the reikiranch (at)

Want to take your Life or Business to a new level — Just get back with us… ask for the free to the loan of this CD: “Success Secrets — they don’t want you to know about”
Hello Taylore and Roi,
I stumbled across your site this evening while searching for ways to help relieve one of my clients from back pain. I am a Reiki Master and have been practicing for 4 years… when not at my “day job” and caring for my family. I’m very interested in learning about Laser Reiki. Do you offer distant attunements? I would love to see my clients heal at a faster rate.
Also, I’ve been manifesting working for myself doing Reiki and other similar modalities for about 2 years now. I just read an article on your site about manifesting abundance. Unfortunately, I have difficulty visualizing and using emotions. I would love to leave corporate America sometime in the near future. Can you give me some tips on how to manifest this? I’ve written a list of goals and send Reiki to it often. It seems I’m still not really moving forward with my practice. I get a client here and there. I would love to see 20 to 30 clients a week. I would be helping myself and household as well as bringing healing to others. It’s a win win situation. I just need to learn how to get things rolling.
Your assistance is much appreciated. Love and Blessings,
Wilma Lisa Mckinnon
Essence Of Reiki
ANSWER: IT IS in the training that you learn and experience the instant pain release! Class is really amazing! by Taylore
I am intrested in taking Reiki levels 1 & 2. I am not able to take the February class and was wondering if you are going to schedule a March class ?
Thank you,
~Renee’ DaSaro
ANSWER: We can put you on an email list for up coming classes!
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