On April 16th, at 11:35 a.m. a truck driver driving by the Reiki Ranch, pulled over and called in an active roof fire in flames, then rushed up to the rectory to notify those who were inside the clergy house that the roof was ablaze.

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Taylore and Roi were in the parsonage and had no idea that the house was on fire. They quickly gathered personal items and headed out to the safety of the Reiki Ranch property, as the first of the fire trucks arrived.

Workers at the local Adna Store reported 15 fire trucks responded to the Reiki Ranch fire in Chehalis.

Damages included the blaze’s consumption of a portion of the roof and the response of the fire department, who were able to put out the fire, resulted in additional water damage to the main 15×25 living room and the 13×23 library upstairs.

No one was hurt in the fire which could have potentially destroyed the clergy house, had it not been for the quick response of a conscientious truck driver who jumped into action.

The roof has been fixed temporarily by volunteers, while Taylore and Roi go about continuing to serve the community and the world at large amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, with the Reiki and Laser Reiki healing, spreading light, and love.

Meet our hero, Charles Lloyd, who saved the Reiki Ranch from burning to the ground.

Please help us restore the clergy house to restored condition by making a contribution to the Reiki Ranch 2020 Fire Restoration Fund today.

Thank you for all your help. Please join the Brigade and help us spread the word by sharing with your friends.

Love, love, love to you and yours, as we pray for your continued blessings throughout this coronavirus pandemic.

Be safe.

Reiki Ranch Roof Fire

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One thought on “Reiki Ranch Roof Fire

  1. Dear Taylor and Roi – I am so happy to hear of you being rescued and safe and sound. I tried to donate and will try again later as it didn’t go through. My new phone is 425-948-7583 and email is the same.

    Love and hugs, Asara

    ANSWER: It is great to hear from you! Thank you so much fo donating to the rebuilding cause!

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