Sorry: Classes are no longer offered at the Reiki Ranch.
Free Reiki 1 Certification training at Reiki Ranch school and healing center, about 10 miles to the west of Chehalis, Washington.
Reiki courses give you more energy and a better connection to the God inside of you. You will get more accomplished in less time when you let the love in.
So be it. So it is.
I will remind some of you who have taken one of our Reiki courses
- Shine the light from your heart
- Shine the love from Source
- Beam out Reiki energy
- Your health improves with this energy
- If you live the teachings you have even more Divine Synchronicity
Seeds have already been planted for you to nourish these attributes of Reiki and to grow them up into the life you desire!
Saturday, (Date for free Reiki 1) at 8:30 AM – 4 PM
Free Reiki Certification Class (you purchase the Manual for $15.00)
Some of the attributes of a Reiki education are:
** Self improvements, self healing, healing others
** Better Self-Confidence
** You have more happiness
** Better decisions come more easily
** The flow of Reiki gives you harmony and calmness
Reiki Master Certification workshop (Check for latest dates)
Sat at 8:30 AM to Sun at 6 PM
Become a Usui Certified Reiki Master for only $299. (Plus 3 manuals)
Becoming a Reiki Master requires a commitment to yourself to welcome the expansion of your life. You have to make your life important to you!
You might be wondering what it would be like to become a Reiki Master?
You may have thought, “I want to become a Reiki Master!”
You might have a great love for helping other people, and Reiki is a great tool to perform this service.
You may have had a Reiki energy healing session where you felt deeply touched?
Did you experience a great feeling of peace, love, joy, and tranquility? You, are qualified to take the 2-day weekend raining to be a Reiki Master. You may just be curious and the free Reiki One certification will answer your questions.
Change your thoughts; Change your vibration and live longer, live healthier and even wealthier!
Kryon has been around over 20 years and now he is saying that we humans no longer have to die from this lifetime. That’s because of the new energy that is coming in and has been arriving for 2 years. We can now INTEND what we want and our innate will start delivering it.
Kryon of the Magnetic Services (books and YouTube of the last 2 months) is also speaking about this new energy factor. He says it is an energy that supports you. Finally, it is here, but things are not changing instantly. The changes are coming slowly, but we are seeing indicators like a real election controversy with discovery of voting fraud, lies being exposed, and an increased media coverage of dark deeds. Do you ever remember anything like this happening before?
Do you feel the energy shifting?
We’re moving into a new higher frequency level of energy where we can more easily use our intent to manifest things, be happier, healthier, and more. Here’s where we are ushering in the 1000 years of the Golden age that you may have heard of. It was prophesied by many masters and written about in ancient texts. This is a shift into a new age and we’re all in the process. It’s happening as we speak.
We are here. About two years ago we (our galaxy) started entering into the Photon Belt where there is more light and love energy for all of us.
The Life Force in our solar system is all getting soaked in this new energy.
Reiki Masters, students and practitioners are able to use this new energy at the highest level and also send it out to others. The dark army (Illuminati and CABAL who control: the money, bankers, big Pharma, voting machines, all the media, etc.) is being exposed to this spiritual light– maybe they will be able to have some compassion???

We have been through trials and tribulations, frustrations, and outright failures because of the old energy where we were stuck for eons. Being Reiki had helped some of us keep on the level, but now we are in for a big surprise. New energy is supporting the old souls and light workers. You are going into a new space as our solar system continues to travel in the Photon Belt and that means your consciousness is expanding like never before in recorded human history.
It’s time for a shift! A shift in thinking, and in perception, but it’s up to us to intend to change our perspective. We have to ask for help.
Who do we ask?
God is with and in you – (the father mother consciousness is with you, and on a deep level is part of you.) You don’t have to dress up, go to some special building on a special day to talk to God. Meditate on the Holy Temple that is within your body, behind your heart. Develop a dialogue with this Christ Consciousness within.
How to manifest a new life?
You may not know the secret to getting what you want in this reality, but it all centers around asking the right questions and making affirmations in the proper way. This new energy will give you what you want; all you have to do is to decide what you intend.
Reiki Ranch Videos
Check out the most recent recordings: