Courses offered Advanced Energy Healing Workshop Schedule– Reiki Workshop and Advanced healing Classes
Free Reiki I: there is no charge for 6 hour class <<click here for latest reiki classes
Reiki Master weekend (Reiki 1-2-3):
• Saturday and Sunday •
Laser Reiki 1-4 Workshop (Advanced Energy Medicine)
New website
4-days of hands-on — You learn how to do this on yourself and others! Find and delete energy blockages in moments. Heal the disease called financial hardship and struggle. Get rid of ancient family curses. Find the root cause of any disease and delete it. Learn how to improve relationships and/or attract a mate.
• LR At the Reiki Ranch: Thursday-Sunday, or 4 2-day weekends. Which do you prefer?
More classes to come
Laser Reiki 5- Removing imprints, negative program, spiders, hitch hikers, reprogramming the DNA, telomers, and much more.
Laser Reiki 6 – Ghost Busting, sending Laser Reiki from the eyes, finding soul fractures and healing them and much more…
Laser Reiki 7 – Rewriting your Life Script, using numbers to heal, using infinity symbol, and much more.
Thurs-Sun — Laser Reiki 4-Day training —Learn “Instant Pain Release!” (We could possibly run this class again… in Chicago if enough people want to attend.)
*Coupon for Free Reiki I Certification– 6 hr. class – Saturday, starts at 9 am-4 pm.
Value of coupon $150 – Your Free – We’ve been Teaching Reiki since 1994.
Reiki Master Package Deal Special only… $299: Become a Reiki Master – Best deal in town!
Books/training manuals: Reiki I, Reiki II – and Reiki III – manuals available at $15 each.
We can all become the “Grand Cosmic Being” — it is possible, but the instructions are not readily available, but we are studying this ourselves and are willing to share this breaking news. You do not have to die! When you die the body, you start out all over again! again! again! This lifetime — Please do not think that you must die the body! Transform it into the Grand Cosmic Being!
If someone steps on the caterpillar, can it become a butterfly? No, it has to be born again to go through the process to transform into something greater.
Have fun on the journey!

Free energy healing Clinic — the 2nd Sunday of each month. Come practice Reiki. Bring your family and friends! Feel better with an energy medicine treatment!
Chehalis, WA 1PM to 4pm By: Yolanda Eldora, master healer of the Reiki Ranch,
Call for instructions to the clinic.
Email/call if you want a energy healing or if you want to practice Reiki
Register Now for any of these classes!
I’m interested in taking the Reiki I course. Where will it be and how big is the class? What do I have to do to sign up?
Answer: Just go to reikiranch @
Send the Reiki Ranch an email with your name, address and phone and we’ll send you instructions
I am interested in the Reiki I, II & III classes in Nov. Like Cheryl, how do I sign up?
Thank you,
ANSWER: LEAVE US A MESSAGE AT [email protected] with name, address, and phone number.
Just go to the About Us page and fill out a form…. the email comment form will be sent to our email at the reikiranch @ or call the Reiki Ranch 1-360-748-4426
We appreciate you intent to take the FREE Reiki I Certification Class. It really makes sense if you are from Washington, Idaho and Oregon, because you can drive here and even bring a friend to the FREE Reiki training and share the gas. There is also a small dormitory for bunking in for $15 a night or camping out in the park.
Thanks for your Inquiry,
Updates? I am interested in attending classes. Any new scheduled?
Thank you,