Reiki Ranch 1673 S Market Blvd Chehalis Washington 98532
Areal view

The Reiki Ranch  — Assembly of CEH (Cosmic Energetic Healing)

Phone: (360) 748-4426 (Note: Phones are down due to storm, waiting for phone company to repair. Please contact via email below.)

Mailing Address:  1673 S Market Blvd. #143,

Chehalis, WA 98532

Email: [email protected]


$110.00 per hour Click submit button to make 1-hour donation
Other Amount Enter an amount to donate, then submit


Taylore and Roi are the Founders

Roi and Taylore

Would you like to schedule a Reiki energy healing —  one on one!

Call for an appointment at 1-360-748-4426 (landline)


We also have remote healings available (sent long-distance) any time to any place in the world.


CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS:  We invite you to sign up for a Reiki Master hands-on-class?  Or you might just want to try the free Reiki 1 certification class (just purchase the manual)? There are in-person classes. Where you will work with the Masters!

looking at the main house at the Reiki Ranch


Click here  to go to the sign-up page for classes:


The Reiki Ranch is conveniently located in western Washington state – halfway between Seattle and Portland, Oregon.

For Appointments or Information Call: (360) 748-4426

Reiki Ranch Chehalis Washington Retreat Center Pacific Northwest
This is a view of the organic garden behind the facility and house.

Most of the energy healing classes are now being held at the Reiki Ranch. We are about 10 miles west of Chehalis, WA

To Schedule Your Reiki treatment, Reiki Class or to ask a question about our services

Call (360) 748-4426  for Taylore or Roi

Follow Taylore.Vance  and Friends of Reiki Ranch on Facebook

DSCN2104DSCN1869The welcome bear at the Reiki Ranch SchoolDSCN1861

You are welcome at the Reiki Ranch School

Reiki Ranch...
Enjoy the freedom to be yourself


$110.00 per hour Click submit button to make 1-hour payment
Other Amount Enter the amount to pay a bill of another amount, then submit