Reiki is one of the names given to energy in motion.

Traditionally the name Reiki is associated with the practice of moving energy in support of the art of healing.
After working with this traditional practice for a while I began to understand the hidden fundamentals of what Reiki really is.
To me, Reiki is the fundamental energy that is emitted by the Creation itself. This energy makes up all things in all of the dimensions of existence.

By all things, I mean both dynamic energy, that substance which is in motion as in the life force of all living things, all-natural elements or combinations of elements arranged by creation, and, static energy, fixed energy created by conscious rearranging natural energies.
A tre
e, a toad, a rabbit, a man – all are dynamic energy, as are water, rocks, rubies, a Thought.

All from the Reiki energy arranged in nature by the Reiki itself.
Steel, a wooden chair, a car in all its parts are static energy, as is a book or computer.
Dynamic energies organized in specific patterns are what mankind understands as life or natural elements.
When mankind alters, by intentional effort, adding to or deleting from these elements while reorganizing them into something useful, the original energies still exist, merely in a rearranged order resulting in static energy.
So, what is this ability to recognize natural elements and then reorganize them into something useful, the original energies still exist, merely in a rearranged order resulting in static energy? So, what is this ability to recognize natural elements and then reorganize them, to fix them in a new and different form?

So, what is consciousness?
Consciousness is energy moved in a specific manner.
So, the ultimate question is where did all this energy, and consciousness, all these organized energies making up everything come from?
I believe this next statement provides an adequate and competent answer.
The beginning of all things in this dimension of existence appears to have come from the first thought.
These three words explain the creation and all of them express forms of creations energies in all places at all times from the beginning. No limits on the expression of energy.
These 3 words invite infinite expressions of energy in motion.
- Know
- Your
- Self
Once I engaged to Know My Self the recognition that I was created by something larger than myself became clear.
The more I engaged to Know My Self the more I recognized that if all in creation is made up of the same stuff, all the stuff, I am included, we all have common ground.
The common ground once recognized allowed me to understand that a shared source meant there is a common language, that of pure energy.
Laser Reiki is the tool to recognize and work with, to understand and participate in the dialogs of that language.
Accepting the gift of the language taught in this school and open dialog from Creation as a choice to engage, allows me to Know Myself in a very intimate manner and participate in the Neutral Flow of Creation’s Energies. THE SOURCE!
The Ultimate Gift from Creation is the Choice!
Roi and Taylor developed and tested the Laser Reiki into a direct application, much like a phone app, available to anyone seeking to know themselves and make sense of this wild experience we call life (on Earth).
By Charles Miller
Reiki Is Energy In Motion