The Reiki Ranch was founded in 1991 by Herb Roi Richards and Taylore Vance, Reiki Masters and creators of Laser Reiki – Instant Pain Release. See info here: http://laserreiki.com
The Reiki Ranch is located west of Adna, near Chehalis, in beautiful Washington. For a schedule of the most advanced energy medicine events visit Laser Reiki. The Reiki Ranch is under the umbrella of the The Assembly of Cosmic Energetic Healing (CEH) an unincorporated “Corporation Sole” (like the Catholic church which has used a corporation sole for 100’s of years to separate itself from governments all over the world! — A corporation sole does not have to take orders from a State or Country about what its mission or its belief should be. It is the authority.) A corporation Sole is a natural Church under God. It is not under a government authority and it is really an unincorporated entity. The governing authority is God and the teachings are Divine Revelations of spiritual healings. All products represented are sacraments of the church! The energy used to heal is God’s energy — not your own energy!
NOTE: There is a separation of church and state. This means that if you form a group for spiritual health and healing, then you incorporate it under a State and get Federal tax-exempt numbers — your group is no longer under God, but it is under the Federal Agencies! By the US Constitution, your spiritual practice is not under control of any government.
Traditional Usui Reiki Certification Classes are offered several times a year for Reiki Level One Practitioner attunement, Reiki II, and Reiki III (Reiki Master level.) Energy healing has been around for at least 4000 years and the process comes directly from God.
Laser Reiki is offered in Level 1-4 which is 4 days, Level 5 – 2 days, Level 6 – 2 days, Level 7- 2 days and Level 8- 2 days . Here you can learn advanced energy healing/energy medicine with Laser Reiki. Laser Reiki is 10X faster than Usui Reiki. It clears energy blockages in moments!
NOTE: The main difference between standard Usui Reiki and Laser Reiki is the time it takes to get results. The same god energy is used for both! Usui Reiki uses energy that has slowed down to the 3rd-dimensional speed and it is applied to the physical body in much the same manner as you apply water to the lawn.
Laser Reiki uses the same god energy before it has slowed down to the physical level. This flow of energy is projected directly to the energy body and works from the inside out making use of that much higher energy vibration to often bring instant results. You can learn to do this energy healing work, too!
We invite you to share this site: www.ReikiRanch.com with others.

We also have an alternative health natural product website where we personally have tested (one by one over time) and approved the products: such as Silver Water, enzymes, M*M*S – NACS water purification drops, transdermal magnesium oil spray, green concentrated food — concentrated phytonutrients, Lugol’s iodine, Dulce -an ocean plant rich in iodine, MSM, DMSO, and hard to find books on various health and consciousness subjects as well as other products located at the Reiki Ranch Store
Taylore and Roi — 1 360-748-4426 — Email: reikiranch @ gmail.com (send email without the spaces)

For more information or a schedule of events, use the contact form below:
Hello, I wanted to let you know that I was unable to make to reiki this weekend. Hope to see you next time. Carrie Hempel in Tacoma
I went to last month’s Reiki workshop and I can whole-heartedly say that Reiki has completely changed my life!
I have had chronic back pain for going on ten years now, after more than my fair share of car accidents. After Taylore worked on me (using Laser Reiki), my back pain went away completely and immediately.
That weekend was my first pain-free weekend in years! After I went home, the pain would keep creeping back but would go away as soon as I Reiki’d myself. My back even went out on me after I worked too hard, something that happens regularly, and with the help of Reiki, I healed in only 3 days when it would normally take at least a week or more! Since then, I rarely feel pain. If I do, I lay my hands on myself and it goes away. I feel so good! And the best part is that I can help others in my life with this gift! I Reiki my friends and family all the time, whether they are standing next to me or live on another continent. Everyone is amazed at the energy they feel and at how quickly their pain dissipates! Besides all of the healing, I gained tremendous insights that weekend that I’ve been able to apply to my life.
The synchronicities in my life have skyrocketed, and the speed at which I manifest what I need is damn near instantaneous these days.
I cannot recommend the Reiki Ranch enough.
Taylore and Roi are amazing teachers!
ANSWER: Thank you for the testimonial! You, too, can learn Laser Reiki. We invite you to the classes we hold every year!
I started using Reiki in 1994.
I love it and use it all the time. I have all levels of Usui and Karuna.
I live in Calif.
Where are your classes to learn laser reiki?
I’m not interested in teaching it, just doing it for myself, family and friends. I’m also a retired RN.
Love and light
[email protected] BSN, RN retired
ANSWER: Laser Reiki is available once a year at the Reiki Ranch — check out http://www.LaserReiki.com